Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas with Cousins

We had FIVE different Christmas gatherings to attend this year and the best ones were the ones with our cousins.

Gavin loved the cookies at Nana's house, but I am not too sure she loved the icing in the grout after we left.  Hunter thinks Gavin is WILD and Gavin worships the ground he walks on, so when Hunter laughs he does more!

Camryn, Gavin, Emma & Hunter getting ready to open their Santa bags from Nana that were filled with tons of goodies.

They all seemed to love this Toy Story spaceship and figurine set that our little man got from Nana.  Look  at Gavin looking at that Woody, just dreaming of bringing him to life.

This was Christmas Day at our house before they all opened a gift. Look at sweet little Chance back their by his buddy Gavin.  We missed Peyton, Jackson, Kaiden, Hudson and Maddox this year.

The twins, Miss Brynlee was not going to get in with the crowd, but I got this one of her with Aunt Stacey.

Poor Hunter, these kids wrestled all over him and we finally made them stop.  He is such a great big cousin and is so sweet to all the little ones.  When they finished this wrestling match, they were all red faced and breathing hard.

I am so glad my kids have so many cousins and the number just keeps growing. There are currently 11 in the Carnes family, 2 sweet babies in heaven and 2 more on the way.  Dana/Chris and Marla/Dwain, we can not wait till next year when their are 13 little Carnes running around everywhere. It is gonna be fun!

Cousins are those childhood playmates who grow up to be forever friends.

1 comment:

  1. Love the pics! This is just the way Christmas should be...shared with those you love the most!
