Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Eve with Papa

Every year my family gets together on Christmas Eve to celebrate, however this year we got together earlier in the day and spent it with my grandfather at the assisted living facility.  I am so happy we decided to do this and I think it made Papa feel very special.  Unfortunately I forgot my camera at home, so this is the only picture I got with my phone.

This picture makes my heart happy and I am so glad that Emma & Gavin have had the opportunity to know my Papa.  He is such an incredible man with so many stories to tell, but he is getting older and is experiencing some health issues.  My kids think Papa is pretty funny and he thinks the same thing about them.  He gets really tickled watching Gavin run around so full of energy. Honestly, it took all I had to walk in this place on Christmas Eve, but I am so glad I did.  I pray that Papa had a Merry Christmas and that us celebrating at his place blessed him this year.

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