Saturday, December 24, 2011

Frazier Four Christmas Traditions

I love traditions and I especially love HOLIDAY traditions.  Each year we have traditions that we have started since we became a family and hope that our children will one day continue these when they have a family of their own.

Some of our traditions are our holiday getaway trip, Elf on the Shelf, our advent calendar, Night before Christmas book, Hallmark ornaments, Christmas pajamas, feeding the reindeer, letters to Santa and this year we added our cookie decorating party.

Last night I decided to open my Kitchen Aid mixer that has been sitting in a box in the pantry for 7 years unopened.   I pulled up Paula Deen's sugar cookie recipe and before I knew it my entire kitchen was covered in flour, seriously!

Emma & Gavin enjoyed helping turn my mess into the cutest little sugar cookies you have ever seen.  I am not real sure what little man was trying to do here, but he was thinking hard.

Look at my sweet boy decorating his cookies with icing, sprinkles and candy.  We were very concerned he was going to throw up he ate so much sugar.

Emma was super excited to bring this little gingerbread man to life and cover every cookie with icing.

I made these for my sweet babies, they were simple but cute and I am certain they are going to be yummy.  We made a special one for Santa too.

Daddy made a train for Gavin and a gingerbread girl for Emma.  I am so thankful for this man and am blessed that he is such an amazing Daddy to my children.

I am so glad that we decided to add this tradition to our list this year.  It was so much fun and we will definitely continue to do this for years to come. 

Emma has been looking forward to sprinkling the reindeer food in the front yard all day long.  Our reindeer love to eat oatmeal and glitter mixed together.

Little man was excited and ended up turning his bag upside down to empty all of his special food out.

Oh it is so much fun to enjoy Christmas through the eyes of these two. They have been so appreciative of every gift they have gotten.

Daddy started this tradition 5 years ago and I love it.  Every year he goes out and hunts for the perfect Night Before Christmas Book and brings it home.  Right before the kids go to bed on Christmas Eve he sits them down and reads them the story.  Tonight Emma helped him and was almost able to retell the entire story.   This year we put all of our books together and read them to the kids often.

Our little advent calendar is a fun way to count down the days until Santa arrives.  This year Emma took all the odd days and Gavin to the even days.  Every morning their was something in their little pouch and in order to get it they would have to tell me one thing they were thankful for and I would write it on paper and stick it in the pouch.  Emma gave me some amazing things she was thankful for and Gavin told me he was thankful for Buzz, candy, his birthday, food and other super silly stuff.

Meet Elfy and Chippy our Elves on the Shelf, these guys make their appearance on December 1st every year and get themselves into some silly situations. 

Our babies are in bed and Santa's milk, cookies and carrots for the reindeer are ready and waiting for him.

As tired as I might be at times,  I am so glad we have made a commitment to continue to create traditions with our family. This little chalkboard is on our fridge and Emma wrote this message on it a while back, she is such a sweet, sweet child and is so in love with Jesus.

As time goes on the traditions do too.  I encourage you to create traditions with your loved ones that will live on for generations to come.

1 comment:

  1. I love all your traditions - it gives me some ideas for next year!

