Friday, December 23, 2011

Letters to Santa

This week we made a trip to put our letters to Santa in the big red mailbox.  Emma had written both of the list out before we arrived, but they insisted on rewriting them when we got there.  One of Emma's favorite things to do these days is write and she has gotten really good with her letters and her handwriting.

Gavin's list consisted of candy, cookies and candy corns (sugar, sugar & more sugar. NOT!!!)  Emma requested a Leap Pad, a real ring from James Avery and a walkable Pet Shop. 

Little Man could hardly wait to get his letter in the box, as a matter of fact he stuck about 10 blank ones in there too.

Emma was so serious about her letter and wanted to make sure that it would get to the North Pole and Santa would know exactly who she was once it arrived.

Speaking of Santa, we saw the Jolly ole fella not to long ago for our yearly cookies with Santa visit.  We use a local photographer to avoid the mall lines and because it takes Gavin a good 10 minutes to decide he will get close to him.  We did not get one smile out of that boy, but at least he stood there waiting for Santa to unwrap his candy.

On the way to see Santa that evening Emma said, "Mom, now you know that is not the real Santa we are going to see don't you?"  After I nearly choked & wrecked I said, "oh Emma, help me understand what you are talking about" and she said, "Mom that is just someone who dresses up like Santa to help him because he is super busy at the North Pole."   I thought to myself, I am going to get those kids at MDO and then I just said, "that is so smart of you to think of that Emma."  However, when she saw him she had a twinkle in her eye, a smile on her face and I was relieved.

Only TWO more sleeps to go, Santa is coming kiddos and this Mommy is super excited to see your little faces Christmas morning.

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