Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I'm a Scientist!

While brother bear napped today, Mommy started the process of decluttering the house and Emma Lou decided to paint with her new easel.   This little girl loves to cut, glue, color, paint and create.  She spends most of her time at our craft table and is often found making things for others.  Christmas day she decorated popsicle sticks and glued them together in the shape of a cross for all of her cousins.

I was busy boxing things up when she came and found me and said, "Mom, come look at my painting.  You are going to love it, I think I am a scientist."  I must admit I was super impressed when I turned the corner and saw her creation.  She was so super proud and I told her she would be a great scientist one day, later on I explained to her that artist paint also.  That silly girl just chuckled and said, "oh yea Mom that too, I really took my time and concentrated on this one."  

Please pray for my sweet girl as we head to the Allergy and Asthma specialist tomorrow in hopes of getting off Singular, Flovent, Pro Air, Steroids and Nasonex.  I decided a couple weeks back that I have had enough of the medication, so I am hoping we can come up with some alternative plans tomorrow.  I am almost certain we will be saying goodbye to dairy soon, but we are ready to do whatever it takes.  This little girl is begging to play soccer again, dances a couple days a week and will be starting swim team in the Spring, so she needs a healthy set of lungs to be involved in these things. I pray daily for her to be healthy and the weather not to interfere, I know there are answers and we just need to find them.  Looking forward to what the specialist has to say in the morning.


  1. Aw, what a cute painting! Nate has 2 kinds of allergy medicine too..ugh!! Expensive!! I tried to take him off but his nose gets all messed up every time!!! SAD!!! Good luck!!!!

  2. I went dairy free from third grade until 27 years of age and it made a world of difference. I can now eat dairy! And now there are good alternatives. There weren't many in 1988! Best wishes!
