Thursday, December 22, 2011

My Family, My Everything

This years family pictures were quite the challenge, but when you have a photographer that is over the moon nothing stops her from gettting the results she wants and producing a Christmas card that I love year after year.

After two rainouts, Gavin having pink eye, Emma's headband being too big, me with a fever blister, Gavin with a bad haircut, it being 43 degrees outside and about 30 minutes to spare...we finally got some pictures.  I seriously called and told my photographer if we hoped to get any pictures this year it would have to be at 8:00 on a Saturday morning because our schedules were packed.  Normally we travel to some great location, but I told her we needed to stay in the neighborhood and pictures could take no more than 30 minutes, I think we finished in about twenty-two!

Did I mention I {heart} my photographer and somedays she {hearts} me (ha ha).  She did it, designed a beautiful card/adddress label and they were mailed out and arrived before Christmas.  Woo-hoo, thank you "Darwa" we love you!

My family is my everything and I love these guys with all I have and in ways that I can never describe.  They are fun, they make me laugh, they love me unconditionally and they are mine.

This boy makes me giddy inside and has the best personality of any two year old I have ever laid eyes on, seriously!

Sweet girl of mine, you are everything I always dreamed of in a daughter and so much more!

Never can get enough squeezing from my little man.  He loves his Momma and his Momma loves him.  I am telling you this kid is a miniture version of my Daddy and that makes him extra special to me.

My little girl is growing up so fast.  Seems like yesterday I was picking out her first Christmas dress and celebrating my first Christmas as her Mommy.  Here we are about to celebrate our 5th Christmas together.

From head to toe, doesn't he just make you smile, a big smile?   Look at those little short legs, I could just eat him up!

When I think of all that God has done in my life over the past 7 years it is UNBELIEVEABLE, but so worth the wait.  I pray that he will continue to bless us and promote our family in all that we do on this side of heavean. I know he has great things in store for our marriage, our kids, our careers, our finances and for everything that involves The Frazier Four.  Our God is an awesome God and he deserves all the Glory.

Darla ~ thank you once again for loving me, my kids and my family.  You are more than my photographer, you are my friend and someone that I want by my side till the very end.  I have learned so much from you over the years.  I love you girl!


  1. Such beautiful pics!!!!!!!! Merry Christmas!!!!!!

  2. I love you too girl! and your little munchkins and your hubby too! I am so lucky to get to document your family every year! I have some wonderful friends! :-)
