Monday, January 23, 2012

End of the Day

The end of every day usually looks like this around our house.  Everyone is fed, clean, smelling good and settling down for bed.  Tonight Wall-E is the movie of choice and my kids are begging for a pet cock roach, yep you read it right.  There will be no pet cock roaches in this house, period the end!

Daddy gets used as a punching bag, a pillow, a wrestling partner, a referee, a comforter and whatever else these two kiddos can dream up in their little heads. 

Gavin is in desperate need of a haircut, but those eyes melt my heart every single time.  He loves to rest his little head on his Daddy when it gets closer to bedtime.  I have never seen a kid crazier about his Daddy than this little boy right here, he literally has nothing to do with me when Daddy is around and will not let me help him with anything.  I do good to steal a kiss and a hug at bedtime as he is closing his bedroom door while Daddy is holding him. Makes me proud that he has a good Daddy that loves him, meets his every need, prays with him and tucks him into bed every night.  There are days I wish it could be me, but I have seen first hand the importance of a hands on, active, affectionate Daddy and for that reason, I am okay.

This little girl on the other hand is my shadow, will not go to bed if I am away at bedtime and misses me like crazy when we are not together. She loves me on my good days and on my bad, yep I have those. 

So no matter how busy life might find us in this season, we are moving right along with our heads held high, smiling, thanking Jesus, loving life and looking forward to change.  At the end of every day...we are happy, we are in love and we are the Frazier Four.

1 comment:

  1. I love the Emma loves you on your good days and your bad days, and that you said "yep, I have bad days!" Ha! JK is turning into my little shadow as well, and I love it, but goodness is it hard to get things done at times. :) Anyhow, and Gavin and the haircut...Jack's is about at that point, too. A wants to cut the boys hair short (buzz) but I still want to wait for summer to roll around again. Anyhow, we'll see. Glad yall are doing well. Love that yall have that family time before bed. So important!
