Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Our Big Boy

Our big boy decided that tonight was the night to tee-tee in the potty for the first time.  We ran by Ra-Ra's tonight and she was giving him a hard time about wearing diapers.  She told him that every time he went to the potty she would buy him some candy. Seriously, is that all it took?

We came home from Ra-Ra's and it was time to take a bath.  Daddy took his diaper off and he darted towards the potty shouting, "I need to poo-poo."  He jumped up there and I sat in the floor talking to him for a little bit.  Next thing I know he was tee-teeing, so I invited Daddy & Emma in to celebrate with us.  We were all so super excited and jumped up and down screaming, "yay Gavin, yay Gavin."  Of course I had to make a mad dash for my camera to capture the milestone.

This has been a long time coming and every time we talked about it Gavin would tell us, "nope, I a baby Momma."  Guess he decided that he better get rid of these diapers since he is turning THREE in a month.  I am not a fan of naked pictures, but I could not resist this one. We are so proud of you Gavin Thomas.  Keep up the good work buddy!

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahahaha! Pretty sure I have a picture EXACTLY like that of our Jack!! What a cutie! And I love that he was bribed so easily with candy! Definitely like our Jack. :) Hope the potty training is easy peasy!
