Sunday, March 25, 2012

It's a Hard Knock Life!

Last night we had an amazing evening with my BFF and our 4 girls.   RaRa invited Emma to go to see the musical Annie with her and her girls and I invited myself.  We had been looking at going for months, but the tickets were a little pricey and I was a little concerned about Emma lasting through the entire performance.

Emma was so excited to see all the orphans sing all the songs from Annie and I must admit that I was just as pumped about it too.

It was the best time, just the six of us and it was so nice to have a Mommy/Daughter girls night out.   We had dinner at an Italian Restaurant before the show began and then it was time to head on over to the Theatre.

Robin and I have been BFF's since 7th grade, at this point in life we are family and our kiddos are going to be really disappointed one day when they realize they are not cousins (ha ha).   Her three girls are so beautiful and as sweet as can be.  When I say Robin & David have been blessed with amazingly wonderful daughters, I mean it.  These girls are pretty close to perfect and love their parents to the moon and back!

I will continue to pray that my sweet girl will grow up and be as smart, kind, sweet, loving and friendly as the Triple A's!

We hung around after the show to get the girls Playbills autographed and Emma got a hug from Annie herself.  This little girl is 9 years old and played the lead role in the musical.  She was AMAZING and had a presence about her that was not typical for a child her age.  Her voice was perfect for the part, she was so confident and definitely stole the show.  The orphans were played by students from 5 years of age to High School and were local theater students.   Emma was quick to declare that she wanted to be in the musical Annie one day and her favorite song was, It's a hard knock life.

Emma did a great job and I was so impressed with her throughout the entire evening.  She sat so quiet, paid attention, took it all in and loved every single bit of the show.  By the end of the show she picked Annie, Molly & Savannah as her favorite little orphans.  I am sure I do not have to include that she loved Sandy and thought she was the cutest dog ever.

Emma has talked non stop about her evening all day long.  We spent a good part of our day searching for the Disney version of Annie, but were unsuccessful so Daddy is ordering it.  I was quite surprised to hear Emma retell the story of last nights production to her Daddy.  There were so many parts of the play that I thought she would struggle to understand, but she explained them in great detail just as they happened.

Ashlyn, Addison, Ally &  Emma

I am so thankful for these three girls and so grateful that they serve as wonderful role models for Emma Lou.   Emma looks up to "the girls" so much, loves them and thinks they are absolutely hysterical.  They adore her like crazy and lets just say she is a little spoiled by all three of them.  It usually is an argument to determine who will eat by her at the table and ride by her in the car (she loves all the attention). 

Emma and I returned home last night just after midnight and she was still chit chatting until I put her in bed, the girl was a trooper.  It was a perfect evening and one that we were proud to spend with some of our favorite people in the world.  Thank you RaRa and the Triple A's for inviting Emma and allowing us to spend a wonderful evening with all of you!

I hope you all remember that no matter what life has to offer...
The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow!

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