Thursday, March 29, 2012

Our Little Fish

Emma has joined the swim team and will be spending most of her time starting in April at swim practice and meets throughout the summer.   She has not been in the water this season, so we thought it would be a good idea to get her some private lessons before she attends "rookie camp" in April, which is mandatory for all new team members.

Emma has been super excited to begin swimming and has been begging me to take her to the pool at my school.  Today she had her first lesson to practice her breathing, free style, backstroke and kicking.  She was so attentive to what Coach John had to say throughout her entire lesson.

Coach John was super impressed with Emma today and says she is going to have no issues at all with swim team and making the laps across the pool during a relay.  He chuckled a little because it was a far cry from the little girl he tried to teach two years ago, she was far more interested in the ducks back then.  Rumor has it that if a 4 year old makes it off the wall during a meet they are doing good and he is confident that Emma will make it across the pool like a pro based on what he saw today.

When it was time to get in the pool she took off running and jumped in, kicked her way to the top, turned around and made her way back to the wall.   She has absolutely no fear when it comes to the water anymore and we are so proud of her.

It was so cute to see her in this little swimsuit that was so grown up and athletic looking.  Perhaps it was the lack of pink I struggled with, but she made up for it with her goggles and swim bag.

Emma will continue private lessons with Coach John twice a week until April 23rd when she starts "Rookie Camp".  Beginning April 23rd she will start swimming four days a week and sometimes five days when there are meets on Saturday.  I plan to take her to the school a couple days a week to practice also until season starts. 

Coach John is an amazing swim coach and is so patient with the little ones, but he is serious business and his swimmers know it.  We are blessed to be able to have him help Emma perfect her techniques and skills in the water.

Emma learned how to hold on and kick off the wall today for the backstroke start.  All in all, Emma did very well and I was very impressed with how serious she was during her lesson.  At the end she even got up on the dive block, jumped off, got in the arrow position, came up for breaths and kicked her way to Coach.  Coach John was so impressed that he gave her a new swim cap.

When we got in the car to head home Emma said, "I love swimming Mom, I want to do it for the rest of my life."  Honestly, our goal is to expose our children to as many activities as possible, so later on they can choose 2 or 3 they want to stick with for the long haul. For now, we are looking forward to a summer filled with Dance, Soccer, Swim & Theatre Camp. 

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