Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter & the BIG rock!

Easter Sunday for us consisted of church (we even got there a little early so the kids got to play for 5 minutes on the playground), lunch, egg hunt, working in the yard and candy galore.   Guess we were not as early as we thought to since me & Curtis had to sit an aisle apart.

They were ready to hunt the eggs that Nana and Daddy hid in the backyard.  I barely got them to stand here long enough to snap a picture.  I asked Emma & Gavin what Easter was about and I wanted to document both of their responses.

At 37 months old Gavin shared his story of Easter with us and then again with Nana at lunch.  "Jesus died and then they put him in a big hole.  He went in the big hole to eat breakfast and then they pushed the big rock out of the way and he came out."  He was so excited to share his story about Jesus with us and we were happy to listen.

Emma's story of Jesus at 4 years and 10 months old. "Mom, are you sure you want to hear the story it is a sad one.  They killed Jesus and they hung him on the cross and then they put thorns on his head and the thorns scratched his head up when the cross fell and he was bleeding.  Isn't that so sad? They were very bad people and they did that because Jesus was doing God's work and he wanted to be with him.  They put him on the cross with nails and then they let him bleed.  After that they buried him and put a big stone on top of him.   Jesus rose from the dead for us on Easter after 3 days and went to be with God and now Jesus and God are the same.  You must love Jesus to get to God.  Jesus loves me, Jesus loves us and I love him. I love our church  and I learn so much about Jesus in Bible Zone Adventure.  Those people know so much about Jesus there and I can not wait to learn more."

It makes my Mommy heart want to explode to hear my sweet babies talk about Jesus and how much they love him.  It thrills me that they are excited to know more and eager to go into class each week and come out telling of his love for us.  I can not imagine what my life would be like without my faith and I never want to imagine my children faith-less.  I am so glad that we have made the commitment to raise our children in the church and to make Jesus a huge part of our life.  I hope and pray that they will continue to love the Lord as they become young adults.  Again, we are so grateful that the price has already been paid for THE FRAZIER FOUR to have eternal life with HIM!

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