Thursday, April 12, 2012

my ROBOT boy!

This boy is loving his ROBOT shirt these days and I love it too.  Never thought I would be a fan of character stuff, but I must admit I am eating my words because Gavin's closet is packed with all things character. 

My little man had to go back to the Dr. again yesterday with Strep and an ear infection.  Poor baby can not catch a break these days.  I realize our issues are tiny compared to the problems others deal with daily, but I just pray my little man can stay healthy and out of the ER/Dr's. office for a while.

No matter how he feels, he is still full of energy with 102.1 fever.  This is his ROBOT arms and his ROBOT pose.  Have I mentioned that I love being a BOY Momma lately?   I think everyones house should be filled with  at least one little boy.

Just so happens that I get a few little extra hugs and kisses when he is not feeling well.  Sweet boy, look at that smile.  

One last ROBOT move before we head out for the day with a tummy full of antibiotics and a heart full of love for life and an attitude to conquer the universe.

1 comment:

  1. Laura, thank you for your kind comment. It really warmed my heart. : )
