Saturday, April 14, 2012

We {heart} Saturdays

Our Saturdays are pretty jam packed from now till August, but we manage to squeeze some fun stuff in between parties, games and more.

Gavin had a 9:00 Soccer game this morning and he was not too excited about it.  I do not think he has fully recovered from his Strep throat last week, but he tried.

Gavin goes in randomly through out the game and helps out when he feels up to it, but trust me when I say he is not knocking others down to take the field.  When he decides to join the game he is great at getting the ball down the field and to the goal.  Honestly, he enjoys the "high fives" from Coach more than anything.

Not real sure if he was telling us he would rather be on the football field or if he was trying to do a handstand in the middle of the field. 

After the game, we enjoyed lunch at Subway, came home and worked in the yard.  Daddy made 2 more flowerbeds in front of our fence line, looks like we are ready to mulch now.  We have spent the last couple of weekends planting, replanting, resodding and moving things around.

This afternoon was date day at our house, so Emma and Daddy got cleaned up and headed to Disney Princess on Ice for the afternoon.  This little girl was so excited to be going on a date with her Daddy.

Little Man and I had plans to go kayaking until I realized I looked at the wrong day and the kayaking was really taking place tomorrow.  We decided to set out for some ice cream and a trip to the lake.  On the way we made a little stop at Target for a few things we needed.  Gavin chose Cold Stone Creamery Sweet Cream on a cone.   After the Ice Cream he passed out on me, so I drove around while he slept and stopped by my BFF's for a driveway visit.  When he was awake he kept pointing at his shirt saying, "Are we going here Mom, what about here?"  Looks like a baseball game is in our near future.

After he woke up we went for a walk around the lake, fed the ducks, watched some middle school boys fish, fed the turtles and played with the new gun Rara brought him from Disney.  On our walk around the lake Gavin collected sticks, just like he did on the Soccer field today.  This picture just reiterates to me that this little boy is not going to be happy till I have to pull him out of the lake one day.

All in all it was a busy day, but we are grateful for the one on one time we got to spend with our kiddos.  Guess what I found on my little boys face for the first time today while we were enjoying one another?  FRECKLES and I love them!   

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