Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A month from FIVE

My sweet girl is one month away from turning FIVE years old and she is super excited.  Me on the other hand, I sit wondering how the time has passed by so quickly.  Seems just like yesterday when we celebrated her FIRST birthday and now we are about to celebrate the big FIVE.

I thought it was impossible to love her more than the day I met her, but everyday my love for her grows deeper and deeper as we continue to get closer and closer.  I am so proud of the relationship that we share and pray that it will continue to grow stronger as the years go by.

Yesterday we took swim team and Ballet pictures, still waiting for our Jazz costume to be delivered.  Emma, you are a beautiful little girl on the inside and out.  You are an old soul and someone that people fall in love with instantly. You continue to have the biggest heart and an amazing personality that leaves people smiling everywhere you go. 

Emma chose not to have a party this year and had only one request.  She asked if she could celebrate her 5th Birthday at Disney World with Mommy, Daddy and Gavin.   I explained to her over and over that this means she would not have a birthday party and she continuously told us that waking up at Disney, dressing up as Belle, going to the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique and eating at Cinderella's Castle was worth it.  I have worried that she would change her mind as her special day approaches, but her dream is still the same day after day. 

She will have a cupcake party with her MDO friends and we will have a small family celebration before we head off  to celebrate at the happiest place on earth.

Emma ~ You are an amazing daughter, sister, niece, cousin, granddaughter and friend to all that are blessed to know you.  I love you more that I ever imagined possible and I am beyond proud of who you are in life and of the love you have for Jesus.   You better believe that you are going to have a magical 5th Birthday sweet girl, the countdown has started!


  1. SO sweet and I STILL can't get that adorable ballet picture out of my head...LOVE IT!

  2. I think I have commented before but not sure but had to today! My little girl, Emerson, turns 5 tomorrow and we are headed to the happiest place on Earth next Saturday!!! We are all so excited and I cannot wait to see the excitement in Emerson's eyes!!!
