Saturday, May 19, 2012

Burn Baby Burn

Filled with excitement, we arrived at the pool at 5:55AM to help set up for the swim meet.   Emma & I helped Coach Becca with swimmer check in and passing out team tattoos.  

Emma was super excited when we ran into Lauren and they got super silly for the rest of the day.  They enjoyed walking hand in hand to warm ups, Pep Rally and to their races.

Emma camped out in the 6 & Under tent waiting for warm ups to start.  Even though it was a super early morning, she was full of smiles.

Sitting on the ready bench giving her Daddy and Gavin a thumbs up before swimming the 25 Freestyle.

She is off the dive block and ready to take off.  Emma decreased her time by 13 seconds on the Freestyle this week.  We were so super proud of her.

Of course she was exhausted after her race, but thrilled that she was greeted by the timer with a BLUE ribbon.  Emma managed to stay off the rope during the entire meet yesterday. 

Last week she cried up on the dive block and this week she was all SMILES and raring to go.  No false starts and no DQ's during this meet.  Way to go Emma Lou. 

She just might have been the cutest little thing up on the dive block according to this Mommy.  I think she stayed in this position for 3 minutes waiting on the other girls to get ready.

Little Man was our Superman for the day.  It is so cute to listen to him scream for Emma while she races.  He can be heard yelling, "Go Emma go, You can do it Emma, Kick Emma kick."  He has really enjoyed the meets and his favorite part just might be the concession stand.  We can not wait for this guy to join his sister in the water next year.  It will be a blast to have both of them swiming for the Stingrays.

Look what I caught these two doing.  Nothing like sharing a snow cone with a friend on a hot sunny day, oh to be young again.

Waiting to hear the buzzer go off for the backstroke, she is ready and waiting.  No false starts for Emma Caroline and she is off.

So proud of that perfect start, burn baby burn.  All day yesterday Emma and Lauren kept dancing around singing, "Burn baby burn".  They love when Coach John yells this at them in the pool.

Emma improved her 25 Backstroke by 31 seconds this week and did not touch the rope one single time.  I love hearing all the Coaches and parents cheering her on as she made her way down the pool.

She was so proud when she reached the finish line, she turned around and looked directly at us.  I think she was ready for Daddy to give her the $5 dollars she was promised if she did not touch the rope or disqualify.

Last night I opened my email and another Mommy sent me this, yes I am the person behind the lens all day long and there is no place I would rather be.  I love to capture memories of my sweet babies that we will cherish for years to come. 

Emma, we are so super PROUD and amazed by your commitment to swim.  You are having a blast, meeting new friends everyday and never giving up.  I am still so surprised how comfortable you are at meets and how independent you are when it comes to lining up, getting to the ready bench and all the things that you have to trust others to do for you because Mommy and Daddy can not be on the pool deck.  Even though you will always be my baby, you are such a BIG GIRL these days. 

Continue to laugh, be silly, meet new friends, help others and have fun. We are honored that you are a part of The Frazier Four!


  1. I love this. Thank you so much for sharing about your cousin that drowned and also for sharing the ISR information. Do you happen to know if these ISR classes are offered in Little Rock or Hot Springs? We have moved away from NWA. I tried to google search for some, but didn't really find anything.Thank you.

  2. Emma is seriously the cutest little swimmer!! Little studette!!!
