Friday, May 25, 2012

Our PreK Graduate

Last night we attended Emma's PreK Four Graduation at the preschool she has attended half a day since she was 15 months old.   My heart sank a little as we pulled into the parking lot and I realized this would be the last year that my kiddos would spend at this sweet little MDO that we have called home for so long. 

Everything these guys do they go above and beyond, so I was not surprised to see this cute little balloon bouquet at the front of the sanctuary when we entered.

Mrs. Violet and Mrs. Becky have loved Emma unconditionally this year and have pushed her academically.  We appreciate their hard work and dedication to our daughter more than they will ever know, even though we have shared our hearts with them.

Just a few members of the "Class of 2025" as they present their end of the year program they worked so hard on.  Emma is going to miss these kiddos and their sweet hugs.  We have truly been surrounded by the best kids, teachers and families we could ever imagine.

Oh Hannah Claire, you have left an imprint on Emma's heart that will last a lifetime.  Your friendship over the past four years will be one that she will cherish forever.  Do not worry sweet girls, us Mommy's have big plans to keep you girls in touch and Gracie too!

God knew exactly what he was doing when he gave us this Daddy to share our days with, didn't he?   Curtis is by far the most amazing, devoted, loving, affectionate, funny and hands on Father I have ever laid my eyes on.  My kids are so blessed and they do not even realize it, but I am confident that one day they will know what a gift God has blessed them with when it comes to their Daddy.

The sweet souls that have encouraged, loved and schooled Emma all year long.  You will never convince me they get any better than these two ladies right here.  The foundation they have given Emma is irreplaceable and will never be forgotten. 

This picture leaves me so conflicted.  These FIVE girls started MDO together 4 years ago and are having to say goodbye.  They have laughed, loved, cried and played together throughout the years.  Emma's conversations evolve around these sweet girls daily and she loves them all so much.  I pray that each of them will be blessed with amazing friendships as they enter Kindergarten and that those friendships will bring them as much happiness as they have brought one another over the years.  There is no question that each of them will be super successful, outgoing, confident and eager to learn.

God, we can never THANK you enough for the experience that Emma Caroline has had at MDO and we ask that you continue to bless her with great experiences, friendships, teachers and academic excellence for years to come.

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