Sunday, June 10, 2012

Emma's 5th Family Party

Yesterday after dance recital we celebrated Emma's 5th Birthday with family at the restaurant of her choice, along with cake and ice cream at our house afterwards.  Emma chose to eat at the "lobster restaurant", Papa's Seafood.

Emma decided on a pink celebration with her cake having ballet shoes on it since it was after recital.   It was super simple, yet YUMMY.

I set the table up just like I would for a normal party at our house, so she could feel extra special on her day.  The sign on the table will hang on our door at Disney for the week we are there in honor of her 5th Birthday.

This little girl is so super excited about being the big FIVE that she can  not stop smiling or talking about it.

My sweet girl blowing out her 5 PINK candles on her cake.  I love this girl to pieces and can not wait to celebrate her special day in the MAGICAL KINGDOM soon.


  1. Love the cake! Could I use a picture of it to show a local bakery? (I couldn't save it). Thanks!

  2. Love the cake! Could I use a picture of it to show a local bakery? (I couldn't save it). Thanks!
