Saturday, June 9, 2012

Recital 2012 ~ Stand

Once again we are beyond blessed to have completed our 2nd year with such an amazing DANCE family.  I am convinced there is no other studio in the universe like the one we call home, for so many reasons.  This years recital theme was, STAND!

Stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the gospel.

Philippians 1:27

I am beyond PROUD of this little girl and even more blessed to call her my daughter.  Emma, again you have blown us away at the age of FOUR.  You took the stage with such confidence, no fear and with the attitude that you were going to have a blast.

Emma loves all of her dance friends and is so excited to be attending school next year with most of these happy faces.   When we went to tour her new school she saw so many of her friends from dance and it gave me such a sense of peace to see her interact with each of them.

The stage and set were absolutely beautiful for this years recital.  Jesus was a huge part of everything about the day and I am so honored that Emma gets to be in such a loving environment year around while she does something she has such a huge heart for, DANCE!  Between each performance was a short video clip that ministered to the audience through scripture, song, world affairs, prayers and promises of God's grace. 

These sweet girls worked hard on this jazz routine which was incredibly tough and had a ton of transitions for them to remember.  They were even called to several extra practices because they struggled a bit, but in the end they delivered big time.

Lauren is Emma's favorite friend from Dance and she spent the week with us before recital. She was so cute and asked me to type out all the moves so they could practice. 

My sweet girl loves being on the stage and I love that she is having so much fun and smiling.  No hesitation in her heart, her smile or her feet.  Emma, you were amazing sweet girl.

Look at those pointed toes and that form, way to go Emma Lou.   You are so cute and I could watch you dance forever and never get tired.

The entire Jazz class getting ready for the big ending. All of them did such a great job and looked so cute up there together.  They danced to Do Your Thing from Happy Feet.  That is one of the things I love most about our Dance Studio, all of the music is Disney or Christian music and every costume is always appropriate.  

Lauren and Emma transformed into beautiful little Ballerinas after their jazz routine. Their primary ballet class danced to Music Box Dancer.

Such sweet sweet girls and they all looked so adorable up there on stage.  Look at those little leaps, melt my heart.

I love seeing the huge smile on Emma's face when she dances.  She was assigned to the sweetest little group on this dance and I am so proud of how she embraced the differences within her small group.  Emma, you are such an old soul and I admire your ability to love everyone (remind me to share this story with you when you are older).

Getting ready for their final positions on stage and to twirl one last time.   Great job Primary Ballet girls, you little ladies were beautiful and stole the show.

Emma Caroline, we are so PROUD of you and all you have accomplished in your first FOUR years of life.  When we see your dedication to everything you love and do there is not a doubt in our minds that your life is going to be filled with many wonderful adventures and what an honor it will be for us to walk this journey with you. 

Our prayer is that you continue to STAND up for what you believe in, STAND up and always show your love for Christ, STAND firm in your faith and STAND for all that God intended for your little life to be.  We love you more than we could ever describe.  

1 comment:

  1. One of my favorite posts...pretty pretty girl and I can already see she's going to make one beautiful dancer :)
