Tuesday, June 5, 2012

It is Official

As of noon today, I am the Mommy to a KINDERGARTNER and a Pre K 3 year old, summer has started and The Frazier Four are ready to have some fun.  Mommy has 2 days of school left and then I will be off for 47 days straight with these little people and we have an activity packed break planned.

We are about to embark on a whole new adventure with Emma as she prepares to enter public school for the first time.   Mommy has been part of the public education system for 16 years, but she is still a little nervous about sending this one off.  No doubt in my mind Emma will do extremely well socially as well as academically, she is beyond excited about going to "Big School".  Congratulations sweet girl, you did it and YES you are a going to Kindergarten. 

This big boy is looking forward to starting a new MDO program at a church closer to home.  Not sure he gets it just yet, but he seems super excited about the changes.  My heart is a little sad that my children will be separated during the day while attending different schools, but I know they are both going to grow from this experience.

Summer is officially here Emma & Gavin, so lets get this party started.  Mommy can not wait to spend the Summer of 2012 making special little memories with the two of you.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww... having a Kindergartener is fun! Now 1st grade with homework when you have activities and are busy yourself is not fun! :) I know Emma will LOVE school though!!!

    I don't know if I ever told you but I ended up getting an elementary counseling job about 10 minutes from my house (3a school). I sooooo appreciated all your help!
