Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Magical Memories Made

We are hours home from Disney and I could not go to bed without sharing just a few of the special memories The Frazier Four made this past week while celebrating our sweet Emma's 5th Birthday at the happiest place on earth.

She wished...her wish came true in more ways than one.  That my friends is the face of one very happy little FIVE year old having dinner in Cinderella's Castle with FIVE of her favorite Princesses on her FIFTH Birthday.  It was a MAGICAL celebration indeed and one that she will NEVER forget.

To say that I am madly in love with these TWO is an understatement.  They made me laugh, made me smile and made me so PROUD to be their Mommy this past week (oh and there were times I wanted to ring their little necks too!)

This boy loves Buzz and Woody, can you tell (they loved him too)?  We rode those rides over and over and over!  He happened to fall in love with Jake from the Neverland Pirates this trip too.

My sweet girl was not giving up until she got her face painted at Hollywood Studios. When she asked me to join her, there was just no way I could say NO!  There were a couple times when I walked off alone and people would stare at me real funny like, ummm who is the crazy lady walking around with her face painted without kids in tow (ha ha).

Oh this BOY!  So many stories about this wild little thing that had more energy then any toddler in the park all week long.  He would go from sun up till about midnight every night and I will admit that we STRUGGLED keeping up with him.   He is not afraid of anything, loves to wander off and if he sees something that catches his eye, he is RUNNING for it.   Notice the orange bracelet he is wearing, yep that is an ID bracelet that had his name and our numbers on it just in case.  Thank goodness it never had to be used, but I will admit there were a couple of close calls. 

Okay, I am off to bed and praying these kiddos of mine decide to sleep in tomorrow morning since Daddy is getting back on a plane for a business trip in 6 hours.  I do not know who to feel more sorry for, me or him!

So thankful for a great week and even more thankful we made it the entire time, since Emma's Asthma was OUT OF CONTROL all week long.  Bless her little heart she had some pretty bad attacks, some of the worse but she was a TROOPER.


  1. Aw, cute pics!! Happy birthday to your sweet girl!!!!! Glad you guys had a great time!!!

  2. Yeah yall are home and from the sounds of it you had a PERFECT trip!! I cannot wait to hear all about it. I know you had one very happy birthday princess!

  3. We are so glad y'all had so much fun! Hudson can't wait to hear about it from Emma!,
