Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Pooh & Friends

After a missed flight (YES it was my fault), we finally arrived at Disney, only a couple hours later than originally planned.   This year we stayed at the Port Orleans Riverside in a Royal Guest Room with a water view, it was Princess Tianna's room from Princess and the Frog.  We loved the resort and especially the fact that it had just been renovated in May. Our room was centrally located to the dining areas, gifts shops, pool and transportation which made it very nice with two little ones.

Emma was super excited and happy when she saw the castle and she was more than ready conquer Disney for the next 7 days straight.

Our first night at Magic Kingdom we had dinner with Pooh and his friends.   The food was nothing to write home about, but the company sure made it worthwhile.   Just to set the record straight, NO Emma is not our favorite child, however she loves to be in front of the camera and Gavin, not so much.  It is almost impossible to get that boy to stand still these days.

Daddy and Emma getting a little love from Tigger, isn't he cute? Our little man likes the characters but he is very selective about who he lets touch him and on his terms, so he chooses to admire the characters from a distance.

This little girl loves them ALL, every single one of them.  Piglet was one of Mommy's favorites too.

Oh Eeyore, you are so cute and you were determined to get a little hug from Gavin before you walked away.

Well, this is as good as it gets with Pooh, his friends and our little man.   He did let Eeyore touch him but notice he has his arm out warning him not to come any closer.  Lets just say when the characters came closer than he desired, they had a good boxing match on their hands (not funny, but true).

This boy cracks me up all day long.  He attempted to straddle the train track in front of Magic Kingdom the entire time we waited for the daytime show to begin. 

Hands down, Buzz Lightyear was Gavin's favorite ride and it is safe to say that we rode it about 10 times over our 7 day visit.

Emma and Gavin both loved the Speedway ride and it was a wild one with Emma as my personal chauffeur around the track.

Our view of the castle as we enjoyed the night time parade and fireworks show.  We all love the castle so much and the festivities that surround it.

Disney's Electrical Light Parade is always one of our very favorite parts and this year Gavin could not get enough of the parade.  All the characters were so sweet when they passed by and truly brought the magic of Disney to life for The Frazier Four.

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