Sunday, July 15, 2012

Big Changes, Big Boy

We made BIG changes in our house today for our BIG boy.   Gavin is 3 years 4 months old and we have put this day off long enough, so after Church today Daddy got busy converting his crib.

My heart was a little sad to watch this crib being disassembled since both my babies have slept in it.  There were no issues with Gavin sleeping in his crib and he has never tried to climb out of it, but we thought it was time. 

We talked to Gavin about turning his bed into a BIG BOY bed and he was on board and seemed excited.  He even went in and helped Daddy take the bed apart, vacuum the dust off the slats, and get it ready for his big night.

We all went in his room to tell him night night and pray with him.  Emma was super excited and so proud of Gavin, she just kept saying she could not believe he was sleeping in a big bed. 

I talked to Gavin and told him he could not get out of his bed until the sun came up and if he needed anything he needed to call Mommy or Daddy.  Honestly, we have put this off for so long because we felt like he would roam the house at night and might try to go outside.  After talking to him this witty little boy looked at me and said, "I get up now Mommy, the sun is up outside." Gotta love that boy and he was right, the sun was up outside.

Little man, you have been in your room for about an hour and I have checked on you once.   You are sound asleep, your head under the sheet and you are snoring loudly. 

Looks like you were ready for that big change and a big boy bed. We are so proud of you and love you so much!  I can not wait to hug you, high five you and celebrate with you in the morning when you wake up.  Way to go G-man!

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