Monday, July 16, 2012

Triple A's = Triple Fun

We took advantage of a little bit of sunshine today and had a swim date with Ashlyn, Addison and Ally at their house.  Unfortunately I did not pull my camera out until it was time to leave because I was enjoying the cold pool and conversations with them.   I love these girls, but it blows my mind how big they have gotten and how mature they have become.  Each of them have the most sensitive hearts, are so honest and love my kiddos.

Just realized I only got a picture of Addy-belle, uh oh I am already accused of this one being my favorite so I might be in trouble for this post.   Can you tell that Gavin is not the touchy, lovey, hugger like his big sister?  If you get loving from this kid it is going to be on his terms or your getting the cold shoulder (ha ha). 

After a fun day of swimming and pizza, we headed out to the snow cone stand for a yummy cold treat.  We had lots of good laughs at the snow cone stand provided to us by Emma and Gavin, so much that Addy nearly wet her pants from laughing so hard.  I sure wish I would have gotten a picture of all 5 of the kids together, but they have all learned to run from me when I pull my camera out (especially RaRa in her moo moo, you looked like Aunt Billy Jean with the fly swat - twine thirty).

Thank you Triple A's & my  BFF for giving us a break from all the rain/cabin fever, any day with you guys is a day filled with unpredictable laughs and fun.  Most of all I am thankful that the Lemoine's have shared all THREE of their girls with me for the past 16 years, they are perfection!

Looking forward to a week filled with play dates, great friends and hopefully Mr. Sunshine.

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