Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Loose Tooth

Guess who is going to be making a visit to our house soon?  The TOOTH FAIRY and we have a little girl who is beyond excited.   Today when I got home from work (yep back on contract yesterday), a very happy little 5 year old met me at the door telling me her tooth was loose.  She is so excited to enter kindergarten missing a tooth.

Emma has been telling us for a year that she has a loose tooth, it seems to be a right of passage for her.  Needless to say her bottom tooth is pretty loose and should be coming out within the next week.  I made her promise that she would not make it come out unless me and her Daddy were home to be a part of the big event (ha ha). 

The girl has talked my ear off for the past 4 hours about this loose tooth, how teeth fall out, what you do after it falls out, the tooth fairy, how she hopes to keep the tooth forever, how little the tooth is, the tooth fairy sneaking in her room and the $6.00 she is going to get (no clue where she came up with that number).

Emma is an old soul and this evening she said, "Mom, when I found out my tooth was loose I went in the bathroom and I was so happy that tears just started rolling down my face."  So stinking cute and no doubt in my mind she had her own private "loose tooth" celebration today.  I love this kid and I think she is going to be cute as can be with a missing tooth.   Don't worry, as soon as it happens Mommy will have her camera in hand to capture the milestone.

1 comment:

  1. WOW congrat Emma. Kyron is 6 headed to 1st grade and we just now started getting loose teeth. We have 3 teeth loose at one time. He is soooo ready for the tooth fairy.
