Monday, July 23, 2012

Hyatt & Zoomagination

We stayed at the Hyatt Hill Country Resort which was literally 5 minutes from Sea World.   The resort was packed with stuff for the kiddos to do and lots for us to enjoy too.

We all enjoyed floating in the lazy river, well Emma enjoyed swimming it the whole time. The girl never got in a tube the entire time, she had a blast swimming and splashing us with her Shamu kicks.

We missed spending a week on the beach this summer, so this little beach on the side of the lazy river will have to hold us over until we make our way back to a white sandy beach.

No ice chest allowed by the pools or river at the Hyatt, so Mommy made this redneck ice chest out of a ziploc bag and it got the job done just fine.

Little man loves the sand and the beach.  Daddy helped them make some sandcastles, trenches filled with water and other sand sculptures.  We have to watch this little rascal because he loves to fill both of his hands up with sand and throw it as far as he can, not worrying about who he hits along the way.

A night in Texas would not be complete without roasting s'mores on an open campfire, now would it?  Gavin loves to just shove the marshmallows and chocolate in his mouth.

The resort brought in a program called Zoomagination while we were there and it was awesome, we were a fingertip away and even got to touch some of the animals.  This sloth was awesome.

I think this might be the first time in my life I have even seen a real porcupine and he was the cutest thing ever.  They walked him around on this leash like a dog and he had so much personality.

This 4 month old warthog was as cute as could be too.  He would run around, scoot on the ground looking for peanuts, stop and let us pet him and take off again. We also got to see a macaw and a wallaby, all of these are rescue animals that live on a resort in San Antonio.

The kids also enjoyed ping pong, the fish tanks, tether ball, the playground, ice cream, movie on the lawn (5 minutes of Megamind), yummy food and much more on our little getaway. We are all so thankful we were able to squeeze this trip into our summer before it comes to an end.

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