Monday, August 27, 2012

Class of 2025

Today was an amazing first day of school for Emma.  She woke up this morning and was ready to go to school from the minute her feet hit the floor.  She picked out her own outfit, had very strict instructions for me on her hair and selected the perfect pair of shoes.

Of course we built in some extra time to try and get some pictures of her special day.   Thank goodness she is so patient with me and my crazy camera, even though she frequently reminds me that Darla does a much better job (ha ha).

It is true, the day has finally arrived and the "1st Day of Kindergarten 2012" is here. It looks like one little girl is still excited to head towards the school house.

Mommy is so PROUD that today was a great day.  There was not one tear shed by me or my little girl.  It was an enjoyable and exciting time for us all. 

This picture makes my heart want to burst and leaves me so thankful that my children have such an AMAZING Daddy that loves them beyond their own understanding.

She did not skip a beat when we arrived.  As a matter of fact she entered the room and began searching for her name and seat.  The class was so calm and all the little people inside were busy working and saying their final goodbyes.

It was a great experience from the second we were greeted at the door until we walked out.  Emma was so excited to finally be in her seat surrounded by new friends.   One of her friends from dance is actually her table mate. 

When the day was over and I asked her how it went she replied, "Mom, I loved it so much that I didn't want to leave.  It was great".

We are so thankful that KINDERGARTEN is off to an amazing start.   Daddy and I walked away this morning so proud of how brave Emma was and talked about the great things in store for her this school year.  Daddy knew that  you would love school and we both agreed that the decisions we have made for you this school year are truly what is best for The Frazier Four. 

1 comment:

  1. Aw, what a big girl! I wish Addison's day had been so successful!!!
