Sunday, August 26, 2012

Kindergarten Bound Tomorrow

Tomorrow is the big day for Emma Caroline and we are all super excited to see her go to Kindergarten in the morning.  We have had an amazing summer and have been looking forward to this big day for some time.
The Frazier Four decided to celebrate our sweet girl tonight with a couple of surprises.   She got two books about Kindergarten that we will read before bedtime at 7:30.
We also gave her this little silver cross that she can wear on her necklace as a constant reminder that we love her so much and that Jesus will protect her when she is away from us at school.  She loved it and told us she would wear it every single day.

Of course we will take pictures in the morning too, but I knew we would probably be a little rushed, so we snapped a few this afternoon.

Emma will not be riding a bus to school even though she would love it, but I thought it would be cute to snap a couple of pictures of her on a school bus to commemorate the big day tomorrow.   The inside of this bus was about 120 degrees, so my idea was not so grand after all.

So hard to believe that tomorrow is the day when our sweet girl will walk into the doors at her school and begin her education in public school.  Emma we are so PROUD of you and LOVE you UNCONDITIONALLY.  You are the daughter we have always dreamed of and we know GOD has amazing things in store for your life. 
Dream big, work hard, help others, have fun, pray before lunch, hug your teacher, do your best, wash your hands, always be kind, use your manners, smile big and let your little light shine for JESUS!  Tomorrow is your day and it is going to be a great day.  Always remember what Mommy has told you since the day you were born...
"Life is about choices"

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