Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Finally got his teeth CLEANED!

Guess who went to the dentist today?  Emma and Gavin.  Guess who finally got his teeth officially cleaned for the first time?  G.A.V.I.N!  Today was his third trip to the dentist for a 6 month visit, xrays and cleaning.  

The two times prior we were unsuccessful and the dentist was only able to look in his mouth, however today was much different.  He got up on the table like a big boy, opened up wide and let them clean his teeth, put fluoride on them, check the hardness and even allowed the dentist to examine his teeth.  Three cheers for Gavin, hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray!

I wonder if it had anything to do with the Thomas the train Sodor Street Sweeper he refused to leave behind, even after I promised to try and find it for him.  The dentist is a train lover and assured me I would not find it anywhere and told us if we would bring a train back to replace it that he could take Sodor home. At the end of our visit I had a little boy with clean teeth, a pretty smile and a new train.  It was a great visit.

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