Thursday, August 16, 2012

Kindergarten Screening

Big changes are coming our way and I am so PROUD that Emma is excited and ready.  This afternoon we visited her school for her Kindergarten prescreen.   When we arrived at the school and she unbuckled Emma said, "Mom, I am a little bit nervous but I know I will be okay."  I immediately wrapped my arms around her and we stood in the parking lot and prayed.  We prayed for peace, we prayed for a great first experience, we prayed for God to protect her, we prayed for a great kindergarten teacher, we prayed for wisdom. we prayed for God to put a hedge of protection around her and we prayed for her little light to shine bright for HIM this school year.

She is beyond excited to start school, meet new friends and her new teacher, but has admitted to me a couple times that she feels a little nervous.   When we walked in the school we immediately saw Mrs. Hale, lead Kindergarten teacher and she embraced us with a smile, hug and told Emma to come with her to her classroom.  Without hesitation, my little love bug grabbed onto her hand and took off.  As a Mommy, my heart was happy and I was at peace.  

Emma was gone for about 20 minutes and came back with a huge smile on her face.  As soon as she saw me she took off running towards me.  Mrs. Hale explained the screening process to me, we exchanged educational stories, she walked us to the door and told us she would see us soon.

When we left I thanked God on Emma's behalf for a FIRST wonderful experience in public education.  My heart also skipped a little beat when Mrs. Hale revealed to me that she had attended Capturing Kids' Hearts this summer.

In the spirit of "Back to School", I decided to share our mantle with you.   Truth is I want to decorate for Halloween, so to satisfy that craving I decided to do a BTS mantle to get the kiddos excited for the start of the school year.  Emma's school colors are lime green, black and white so I had this little banner made, well maybe for us and one for her teacher. Needless to say, The Frazier Four are looking forward to an amazing school year as we celebrate our little PreK THREE boy and our BIG Kindergartner!

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