Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Back in the H2O

At the end of last dance season Emma's dance teacher suggested that she try out for Company, which is the studios competition team.  All summer long Emma talked about it and looked forward to tryouts (even though I felt like she was a little young).  When it came time for tryouts and we talked about the commitment, she started having second thoughts and expressed how much she missed swim. It was at that time that she asked if she could swim year around on a select team and said she would rather swim opposed to dancing with Company.  Well, then there was the day I came home from work and she stated that she would like to just play football (ha ha) she was serious!  I never want to choose my kids activities for them, so I have left the decision completely up to her.
Swimming year around is also a HUGE commitment and one that I wanted her to fully understand, so I have been completely honest with her about all of it.  We have talked about her just starting kindergarten, 2 hours of dance a week, adding swim practice and monthly meets.  None of this seemed to bother her and she is still up for the challenge.

This week she is working out with the team and she will make her FINAL decision by Friday after she has experienced a full week of her scheduled activities.  Yes, it is alot for a FIVE year old but she is one determined little girl and I feel like we need to be supportive as long as she can keep up and have a smile on her little face.  When April rolls around she will go back to swimming with our neighborhood swim team and only swimming monthly meets with her select team.

Once again, I was a PROUD Momma today.  Emma walked into practice and picked up right where she left off at the end of summer swim.  She is accustomed to swimming in an outdoor pool, so I was a little worried about how she would react to the indoor pool, 70 degree water, the noise and the obnoxious smell of chlorine.   She did not skip a beat, walked over to her practice lane, introduced herself to the coach and got right to work ALL BY HERSELF!  Practice is 45 minutes long and involved them doing non stop drills with/without the kick board, fin/finless and finally freestyle.  There are about 6 kids swimming in each lane and the coach stays on the deck, needless to say she was not intimidated by this set up at all.  

Emma Caroline, at five years and three months old you simply AMAZE me.  You are so committed, driven and passionate about everything you do.  I pray you never lose your drive in life and that you are never afraid to try new things or be in new situations.  No matter what your decision is on Friday, me and Daddy will support you and always be your biggest fans!

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