Sunday, September 16, 2012

Tent, Two Teeth & Three Weeks

Not a very fun weekend at The Frazier Fours!  Saturday morning found us in the waiting room at the Dr., two screaming kids and two swabbings later resulted in two kids with STREP THROAT.  My kiddos turn into monsters when the word swab is mentioned, instantly brings tears.
Since it was convenient we thought we would go ahead and get Emma re-vaccinated with another Hep A shot.  She got a note sent home on Friday saying that she had her Hep A shot before her 1st birthday and it did not count.  I quickly remembered that this was done because we traveled out of the country with her at 10 months old.  Needless to say, she loved the nurse at her school prior to the note she sent home on Friday, not sure how she is going to feel about you now Nurse Blake.
When you get cabin fever, you ask your Daddy to build a tent in your room to entertain yourself for the day.   I ran to the store and came home and found Emma snoring away under the tent with her portable DVD player.
To top the day off  Emma lost her 2nd tooth yesterday and was happy to welcome the tooth fairy again last night.  She loves to stick her little tongue in and out of the hole where both teeth are missing.
We have successfully completed three weeks of school and everyone is happy as can be, including Mommy.  Our new Nanny is wonderful, the kids love her and she has quickly fallen in love with them.
Hoping everyone is fever free in the morning and ready for the crazy week we have before us that will be filled with dance, swim, community pep rally, Daddy's Fall campaign at work, football and homecoming festivities.


  1. I love that baby girl is still styling with her ponytail. She looks so cute!

  2. Poor babies :( I hope they are feeling better soon!
