Thursday, September 20, 2012

Best Lunch Date Ever

Me and my sweet girl had a fun little date today and she was surprised to say the least.  Once a month our school district has an early release and the kiddos get out half a day.
Mommy decided to take a half day off too, pick up her sweet girl and head to the Bistro for lunch.  I did not tell her where we were going until we arrived.  She requested Olive Garden but I knew she would be way more excited to visit the American Girl store and have lunch.

Emma has been so excited about her date with Mommy all week long.   Our Nanny picked little man up and spent the afternoon with him, so it was strictly girl time today.  Mia her Bitty Baby came along with us and Emma made sure she had plenty of pink lemonade with her lunch. 

When we got to the store and she realized where we would spend the afternoon, she screamed with excitement.  We looked around a little before our lunch reservation and then we made our way to the table where Emma started counting her money to see what she could afford.  She had $12.00 saved and decided she was going to buy something special with it.

Emma loves Mia so much and has slept with her every night for the last 4 years.  I hate to break the news to Mia, but Emma has her eyes on a new AG doll that she is asking Santa to bring.  I thought she would change her mind when we got to the store and saw all the dolls, however she still loved the same one with straight shoulder length red hair, olive skin, freckles and green eyes.  

No lunch date with Mommy is complete without dessert.  Emma picked the mini ice cream treat and loved it, she even shared a little with Mia.

This little store has everything, including a rack to hang your doll on when you go to the potty. Sure wish they sold these little gadgets because it would be a great way to organize dolls in Emma's dress up corner of her room.  Look at sweet little Mia, she is probably one of the prettiest dolls I have ever seen and Emma loves her so much.  She will be an heirloom for sure and I am so proud that Emma got her from her RaRa (my BFF) on her 1st Birthday.

This Volkswagon is the cutest thing ever and my girl would love to have it, but not for $349!  We are hoping Target comes out with a look a like. 

We spent hours in the store just looking around, shopping for a birthday gift for Reese Ivy's party Saturday and dreaming about all the things we would love to have.  I will admit that I love this store as much as Emma does and we can not wait to go back.  Emma chose to spend her money on a little rabbit in a basket that is super cute.
Emma was so appreciative of our afternoon date, thanked me at least 10 times, told me how much she loved me and also told me that she was so thankful we were rich.  She said, "rich with blessings Mom because we know God and we are all so special to him."  I love her heart and her mind so much, she is such a special little girl and such an old soul.  When the ladies in the store kept asking her if she was getting a doll today she said, "No ma'am we only get things for Christmas and our Birthday unless we buy it with our own money, so I am going to ask Santa for it."  She was smart enough to tear the tag off that matched the exact doll she wants (#37) , so Santa would not be confused. 
Today I am thankful that I slowed down, took time off, picked my girl up from school  and spent some quality time with an amazing little girl talking, laughing and dreaming.  Emma Caroline, I love you more than I ever imagined possible.

1 comment:

  1. How sweet!!!!!! An afternoon that she will never forget!!!
