Friday, October 26, 2012

Nanny Love

One day this week I came home to three smiling faces that were so proud of the pumpkins they created. Our Nanny came to work with a bag full of goodies for the kids and they spent their day crafting away.

Just realized I never introduced our new Nanny that came to work for us in July, so meet Miss Becca.  She has worked out wonderfully and loves our kids as much as they love her, can you tell?   I am so thankful for this sweet girl who helps keep our home running smoothly, our son in MDO and Emma in our school of choice.  She has blessed us in so many ways and has allowed us to keep our kids on a schedule we/they love.  Gavin is in school from 9-2 and Emma attends from 8:05-1:50.  We scored when we snatched her straight out of the water, she just happens to be one of Emma's summer league swim coaches too.

Becca is our 3rd Nanny (all have been beyond amazing) and we are praying she stays with us for at least 2 more years and then we are hoping to juggle it all on our own, once little man starts Kindergarten.  In the meantime we will continue to enjoy all the help we can get.

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