Saturday, October 27, 2012

Pumpkin Patch 2012

Today we made our yearly visit to the Pumpkin patch to let the kiddos pick out the perfect little fella that would soon become our Jack O' Lantern.  The middle of the day is not the best time to go because my red headed children do not do well in full sunlight, they are quite the squinters.
Every year we visit a local church to support their Pumpkin Patch fundraising efforts, they had some great pumpkins this year.

Here they are, my little squinters that could barely stand to open their little eyes.  Of course Gavin is over my picture taking in about 10 seconds, so this is the best I could get.
I will never forget the first time we took this little girl to the Pumpkin Patch, she was only 3.5 months old, where has the time gone?

This boy ran in and out of the pumpkins like they were a maze.  He tried to sit on them, stand on them and pick them all up.

Finally got him to stop for a second to take a picture for his Momma, doesn't happen often.

Sweet Daddy carrying our Pumpkin to the car and excited that he gets to bring this guy to life.  My kids are so blessed by this man and do not even realize how lucky they are to have such a kind, considerate, good hearted and dedicated father. No doubt in my mind one day they will know the value of having a hands on Daddy that never missed a single event in their life, led by example, worked hard and loved them unconditionally. 
We have had a family fun filled day, that is not over yet.  We are still roasting pumpkin seeds and watching the Spooky Buddies Halloween Hound. Nothing better than the memories we are making today as the Frazier Four!  

1 comment:

  1. Fun! i can't believe how big your kids have gotten. No longer babies!!SAD!
