Saturday, November 10, 2012

A Special Day

Today was a big day, so big that Emma got up at 5 in the morning super excited.  As soon as her feet hit the floor she started asking, "Mom, how much longer till Hannah Claire's party?"  I knew this would be the case, so I did not even tell her about the party till a couple days before.  Hannah Claire is Emma's favorite friend of all times and they share a very sweet connection. 
Emma was so cute on the way to the party.  She had not seen these girls since the summer when they said good-bye and all prepared to go their separate ways to Kindergarten.   Half way to the party Emma said, "Mom, do you think they are going to remember who I am?" 
These FIVE girls attended MDO together since they were all 15-18 months old and spent 4 years with one another day after day.   Ada, Hannah Claire, Gracie, Emma Caroline and Aubrey.

Sweet Hannah Claire is a cowgirl at heart and had the cutest little horse party. We arrived to the party about 10 minutes late and the kids were all playing when we got there.  Hannah Claire was talking to her friends and she spotted Emma and took off running to her, they hugged so tight and did not want to let each other go.  It was the sweetest thing and brought tears to my eyes.  From that second on they were hand in hand for the remainder of the day.

When it was Emma's turn to ride, she chose to ride double with HC and they were in BFF heaven.  It is so sweet for me to watch Emma with all of her friends, they are such an important part of who she is and she loves them all so much.  HC and Emma have sent pictures and notes back and forth since school has started and sweet HC has Emma's hanging above her bed. 

Emma had so much fun visiting with all her friends from MDO, she especially loved spending Hannah's 6th Birthday with her.  They held hands, laughed, caught frogs, rode horses and enjoyed each others company.  Last night after we left Hannah told her Mom that the best part of her day was riding the horse with Emma.  We both agreed that no matter how far apart we are that we must make a huge effort to keep these two connected, because they truly share something special and are crazy about one another.  These two girls are excited and looking forward to their time together over Christmas break.  
Emma Caroline, I am so PROUD of the friendships you share with so many little girls and am even more PROUD of your sweet soul you so willingly share with others.  Not only did it do your heart good to spend time with old friends, it did your Mommy's heart good too.  I love you more than you will ever know!   

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