Saturday, November 3, 2012

Fall Festival Fun

We are ticketed out!   Today was both kiddos fall carnivals at their schools so we made a day of it.  Both of these events serve as major fundraisers for their schools and we wanted to give back to the two places that give so much to our sweet babies.
Gavin was mesmerized by this chicken in the petting zoo, he kept begging the man to put it down so he could do who knows what to the little fella.

These are 2/3 ladies that are responsible for Gavin at MDO daily.  They are so super sweet, love him, but provide a very strict and challenging environment daily.  Did I mention it is exactly what he needs and he is doing wonderful?   At Gavin's previous school he was "king of moving his clip" and often times left his teacher in a tizzy.  Hmmm, the best thing we did was change his environment and it has been wonderful. 

One can not attend a carnival without eating cotton candy and making a sand candy stick, we did both and now have two kids bouncing off the walls.

Gavin loves his new school and it is obvious that he is so comfortable and well loved there.  There was one little girl in his class that ran up to him during the carnival, kissed his hand and ran off (ha ha).

As soon as we finished with one festival, we were off to another.  Emma was so excited to get to her school, see all her friends and play some games.  We are absolutely in love with Emma's school and the people who work there.  No matter the event, it is obvious that "KIDS MATTER MOST" at her school and I love that.

Gavin loved this huge obstacle course that had little ones running around in it like crazy.  We were so afraid he was going to get hurt with all the rambunctiousness, it did not seem to phase him.

One of Emma's very favorite friends from school, Megan.  Megan started dancing with Emma when they were 3 and are now Kindergarten table partners.

Both schools have a silent auction that brings in an "over the top" amount of money.  Each class creates a project that is auctioned off and this is the one from Emma's class.  It was the sweetest canvas (4ft x 3ft) I had ever seen.  It was BIG or I would have bought it (out of wall space over here).  I was so nervous when I first saw it and quickly prayed that Emma Caroline was not holding a  sign that said, "Breast Feeding Mommy".  Looks like she was redirected or dreamed of  being a teacher that day.   My favorite is the little boy at the bottom holding the sign that reads, "Disney Parade Leader", that's awesome! 
Lack of sleep, sugar, bounce houses and being over stimulated always leads to this!  Wasn't easy to drag our two social butterflies away from the fun, but we are finally home.  So thankful for the two wonderful places and the people that our kids are surrounded by at school daily.

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