Friday, November 16, 2012

Emma's 2012 Thanksgiving Feast

Today was Emma's first Thanksgiving CFA feast as a Kindergartner.   I was shocked when I heard it was at 10 in the morning, but it was a joy to eat breakfast lunch with this sweet girl.  Emma's teacher started her Thanksgiving travels early, so we missed seeing her but the sweet sub made sure the kids had a great day.
Earlier in the week they had a Native American craft day, a program, Turkey Trot to benefit Diabetes and talked of all the things they were THANKFUL for this year.  
My heart was warm inside when I saw the list my 5 year old girl generated on her own, spelling every word with no assistance.  I have always said the hardest job I have ever had in my life is being a MOMMY!  When I saw this list and that Emma Caroline put God first, I knew that we must be doing something right as parents.  I pray her little heart always loves and lives for God the way she does today.
Me and my little TURKEY before the feast began.  I brought Emma Chik Fil A to lunch because I knew what was on the menu and wanted her to eat.  Emma's friends Megan and GiGi ate with us today and it was fun to see them giggle and whisper at the lunch table, silly girls.

This is Emma's Principal Mrs. Shealy that we love so much.  She came from a Title 1 school prior to opening Emma's school two years ago and she "gets it".  If you are an educator you will clearly understand what "gets it" means, she is the whole package and puts kids FIRST.  I am so thankful for her and the love she has for kids.

Mrs. Jackson has fallen in love with Emma and her wardrobe (ha ha).  She stopped me today and said that her favorite part of everyday is seeing what Emma wears to school.  I told her thank you, but I hoped that she would remember Emma for her sweet smile and her kind heart. She is not one of Emma's teachers but loves to give her hugs in the hallways. 
I can not say enough wonderful things or how THANKFUL we are with Emma's school, our school of choice.  Emma is on a transfer to attend this school opposed to our neighborhood school and we are beyond pleased with our decision (one of the perks to working in the district).  We are so impressed with every faculty member, the curriculum, the culture, the other students, her teacher, the programs and the overall positiveness of this place. 
Emma Caroline, looks like KINDERGARTEN fits you well girl and we are so proud of you.  Thank you for sharing lunch with me today, it was a joy to sit by you and your friends.  We love you so much and are beyond BLESSED to call you our daughter.

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