Thursday, November 15, 2012

Gavin's Thanksgiving Feast

Gavin's MDO program put on quite a production for their Thanksgiving feast.  Each child was responsible for contributing to the feast and they were assigned an item by age.  Gavin's age group was responsible for the mashed potatoes.
The church gym was transformed into a dining hall and each person had a place setting that read, "Guest of Gavin" (or their sweet babies name).  After the gym was loaded with 580 people, the teachers began serving a full Thanksgiving meal and desserts.

I was amazed at how well organized and wonderful the entire feast was for all of the families to enjoy.  Gavin got busy munching on some trail mix before lunch was served.

When one of the teachers put this in front of my sweet boy he shouted, "Ooohhh yuck, I am not eating that stuff."  Geez, can you just pretend Son?   He wanted this plate out of his sight immediately, so I offered it up to one of the men across the table from us.
I was so impressed with Gavin's Thanksgiving Feast and honored that I could be a part of it.  Gavin was so PROUD that I was there with him.  Today finds me so thankful for this little boy and his love for life.  I am even more thankful that God blessed me with him as a constant reminder of my Daddy, he is a spitting image of that man. 
Gavin Thomas, you are a special little boy and the love I have for you is a love that I share with no other.  You have loved me the way only a little boy can love his Mommy and I cherish that. Thank you for an awesome lunch date Son!

1 comment:

  1. He's so cute!!! I think the food looks yummy!!!!!! I'd have eaten it!!! Great pic of you two!!!
