Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

After being off for 9 days, we all head back to work & school tomorrow.  I always love being off with the kiddos for 9 days and look forward to the upcoming Christmas break.  Believe it or not, I did not pull my camera out much this break and as a matter of fact do not have any pictures of Thanksgiving day.  We spent the day with family and feasted on yummy food and played with our cousins all day long.  Emma actually went home with Camryn and Hunter, Gavin chose to stay behind with Mommy and Daddy.
Elfy & Chippy arrived the morning after Thanksgiving and the kiddos were thrilled to see those silly little fellas.

They arrived in a "bubble bath" and Emma had lots of questions about them this year.  She was very confused about how they carried this big ole bowl with them, where they got the marshmellows and how they decorated the table.

Over the break we visited Zoo Lights with family and the kids seemed to have a good time in spite of how grouchy they were from lack of sleep.  A trip to Yogurtland cheered them all up.

There were all kinds of lights and displays throughout the zoo and in the trees.  I loved this one and secretly wished I had it in my yard.

I was excited to finally see my 2012 Mother's Day gift installed at the Zoo.   Curtis and the kids gave me a certificate telling me about the paver they purchased for me, but that it would not be installed for a while.  It finally got installed and I love it so much, the perfect and most thoughtful gift.  Something that will be there forever that my kids can bring their families back to see one day.

We missed our annual trip to the Gaylord and it was difficult to break tradition, but the theme was the same as when we visited last year (Shrek & Madagascar). Hoping next year brings an entirely new theme, because we love Grapevine.
Thanksgiving break was busy and full of fun.  Emma had swim practice, we had a couple lunch dates, visited Mr. Fred at the old timey toy store, finished decorating for Christmas, ice cream dates, playoff games, Christmas movies, shopping at the Galleria, read lots of books, sleepover with cousins and zoo lights.
Like always, we have a ton to be THANKFUL for and are BLESSED in more ways than we deserve.

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