Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Round Two, Ear Tubes

We got up with the roosters this morning and headed to the hospital for Emma  Caroline's second set of ear tubes.  Praying these last a little longer and do the trick.  Emma has continued to have reoccurring ear infections which triggers her Asthma.
Emma was a trooper this morning and so cooperative with the nurses, anesthesiologist and the the Dr.  This is our second time to use this hospital and they have the kindest staff I have ever met in a medical facility.  

This was the head anesthesiologist and he was super happy at 6:00 this morning.   He thought Emma was the cutest little thing.

When it was time for Emma to get her "loopy juice" she chose to give it to herself, Miss Independent.  It did not take long and she got super silly.

We finally got her to lay down and relax.  Of course she brought sweet little Mia with her and the Dr gave us a 2 for 1 special, Mia got tubes in her ears today too.  After surgery the ENT came out and spoke with us and shared with us that Emma's ears were filled with fluid and in one ear it had hardened pretty good (no wonder she couldn't get over these infections).
Sweet Emma in recovery, she woke up with a smile on her face and the discharge nurses wanted to keep her all day.   They could not believe how sweet she was when she woke up.  Little did they know she saved the crying for us on the way home.   She was so upset, confused, demanding, thirsty, hungry and ready to be home.   The girl must have been starving because she requested a sprite, biscuit from CFA, sausage and cheese kolache and a cherry donut minus the sprinkles (her Daddy stopped and got it all for her too).
We are home and glad to be here.  The surgery was very simple, but anytime anesthesia is involved Momma gets nervous.  Not sure I slept 30 minutes last night because I was a ball of nerves, so I am glad to have this behind us. 
We prayed with Emma this morning before her surgery and lots of you prayed along with us.  This morning left me thankful for great medical treatment, kind words/text from friends, my sweet daughter, a supportive Daddy, my faith and God's unwavering love.  

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