Monday, December 17, 2012

Emma Caroline is Silly

Our busy, crazy, jam packed, non stop week has started and this little girl reminded me tonight that it is gonna be alright! Our marker board in the utility room is cluttered with all the things we have left to do before Christmas Day.
Tonight Emma had her Christmas party at Dance and she was super excited.  She created a very colorful outfit that was sure to bring some Holiday Cheer to class.  I asked her if I could snap a picture of her and she was ready to have some fun.

This is her recital face, I am so surprised and loving life on the stage (well she really loves life no matter where she is). 

She is as sassy as they come and doesn't have an issue letting the world know all about it.  Her Daddy says I made her this way, I can't even pretend that I did not have a huge part of it.  One thing is for sure, I would not change a single thing about her.

She says this is her, "I am trying out for company next year face."  Hmmm, are you sure about that because you will have to say bye-bye to swim.  

This kiddo makes my day, everyday.  She is so full of life and loves everyone and everything. So thankful for the huge personality that lives inside this little five and a half year old body.  She makes me laugh louder, love harder, dream bigger and want to be the best person I can possibly be.  She is my daughter!
What I wanted most for my daughter was that she be able to soar confidently in her own sky, whatever that may be.
-- Helen Claes

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