Sunday, December 16, 2012

Gingerbread House Overload

It has been a super Sunday for The Frazier Four.   We started our morning with church, a great lunch, trip to Sam's and home to create our yearly Gingerbread house. This is a tradition that Curtis and I have done since we have had children and it is one of my favorite memories every year, hence the ton of pictures.
I must admit that my heart and mind have been heavy for the poor families in Connecticut this weekend for so many reasons.  This really hit close to home with me since I have a Kindergartner and serve as a public educator. This morning when I took my sweet babies picture I could not help but think how we are so undeserving, yet grateful for these precious, amazing children that God chose for us.  I pray that God is intervening with every single person in that community and providing them with the comfort only he can provide in such a tragic time.  I will never understand how people navigate through this world without him. 
Church was very difficult for me this morning as our preacher talked and prayed for the victims and their families.  I was overwhelmed and reminded of the HUGE responsibility I have as an educator to protect the 2200 students that parents send and trust us with everyday. 

After church we decided to tackle our Gingerbread house.  The kids have been super excited about it for 2 days and so have I.  We usually do this every year on our Holiday Getaway, however we decided not to go this year because it was the same theme as last year.  I must admit the $60 we pay to build this at the Gaylord every year is well worth it after I bought all the supplies and cleaned the mess up (ha ha).  It looked like an explosion in a candy factory when all was said and done.

The kids were so anxious to get started, but we had to break out the camera first.  I love these two more than anything in the world. I am one blessed Momma!

Daddy did a great job of putting the house together and letting it dry before we got started.  Of course he had to make sure it was perfect and it was.

Gavin could not wait to start eating the candy, icing, sprinkles and anything he could get his hands on.

We had to keep a close eye on this little boy because he was turning up the sprinkles every time we turned our back.

Didn't take long and Emma joined him and started squirting icing on her hand and licking it.  They seriously could not control themselves.   Sugar, sugar and more sugar (all jacked up on mountain dew around here today).

She was pretending right here, but I think her tongue might have actually touched it.  

Emma decided how our house would look and she either did it or told me and her Daddy what to do.  She did a great job this year and was engaged from beginning to end.

This little boy ate about 30+ pieces of candy, a sugar cone covered with icing and so much more.  He hung out with us for the first hour and then he headed towards the living room, probably because his belly was hurting (ha ha).  Look at him holding that little heart with that fake smile.  Truth is, he carries my heart around in his pocket every day and he knows it.

Sweet girl with her heart. This little girl has the biggest heart of any five and a half year old I know.  Yep, she turned 5 1/2 on Saturday!  Where has the time gone?  She has gained so much knowledge this year and is eager to learn so much more.

I fell in love with this little "blinged" out gingerbread man I created.  I put some gel icing and little pearl sprinkles on him. 

Silly boy, I think this was about the time he checked out, he could not sit still anymore.  Imagine that, he was on sugar overload!  I tried to get him to move his horns up a little higher, he refused.

Emma Caroline asked me to help her with the wreath above the door.  Can you tell that this is serious business around here?

Daddy and Emma were so proud of these sugar cones they turned into Christmas trees.  I think they spent about 15 minutes getting each one to look perfect.

Emma made this one extra special and sprinkled the tip yellow like a star.  I love this little girls imagination and creativity.

Final touch, Daddy putting the pearl sprinkles on the grass for snow.   He had fun too, but was ready for this to be over because he knew we had a HUGE mess to clean up.

We all loved the way it turned out.  Emma kept saying, "This is our best one ever, our best one ever!" Each of the kids put their little hearts on each side and Gavin insisted on adding those pink wedding mints on the rooftop.  We pretty much let them do what they wanted because I think it is much more special when it is their work.  This will be the centerpiece at the kid's table on Christmas Day.

Gavin refused to have his picture taken when we were finished, but Emma jumped right on it.  I sat it on the kids table and she climbed up in a chair and posed, she can't help it (ha ha). 

One more of the back door and the trees.   I should have taken a picture of the explosion in the kitchen, it was ca-razy in there, but so WORTH it.  We all had so much fun, worked together and were thrilled with the way it turned out.
I am so thankful for my family and that we continue to value the time it takes to make memories day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year.  

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