Saturday, December 8, 2012

Christmas 8 and under meet

We spent our day under a tent, smelling chlorine and in the h2o.  Today was the Christmas Champs 8 and under meet.  We have been looking forward to this meet and it was fun.
Lauren and her family tented with us today and of course Emma loved her company.  These girls are super silly and were ice skating on these pieces of ice.  Gavin would pick a piece up off the ground ever so often and eat it, YUCK!  They made me promise that Lauren could come spend the day with us tomorrow too, don't think they will let me forget or off the hook on this one.  

This floating dock was a first for Emma and I am not sure she knew what to think about it when she had to walk across it to her lane, but she did just fine.

I get really excited when I see her in this ready position and we all go to screaming really loud.
Today was a big day for Emma because she swam the 25's and the 50.  She did wonderful, improved her time, had a blast and never gave up. 

This little guy was a trooper today and was so supportive of his big sister.  After going to Zoo Lights he likes to get in a statue position like his favorite big cousin, Hunter.

Getting ready to swim the 25 backstroke.  It was hard to get pictures today because the pool was big and set up was horrible.  Needless to say we were pretty far away, but I managed to get a few. 

I love everything about this picture.  He is screaming, "Go Emma, kick Emma, you can do it Emma, I'm so proud of you Emma, go girl."
Just like his Big Sis, he has no problems making friends (especially if some type of electronic device is involved).

Touching the wall and looking for a good time.   You did a great job today Emma Caroline and once again we are so proud of you baby girl.  There is something very special about watching your child do something they truly love.

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