Thursday, December 6, 2012

Emma's Polar Express Day

Today was Polar Express Day at Emma's school and she was beyond excited.  She refused to wear her Christmas PJ's and picked this Jesse gown which happens to be her favorite these days.
The teacher told the kids earlier in the week to make sure they wore shorts under their gowns and Emma struggled with why she needed to wear them.  She said, "Mom this gown is longer than my spirit dress and I can just sit on the floor like a little lady with my legs to the side like I do when I wear that dress."

This evening we went back to Emma's school for the Polar Express Literacy Festival.  It was a wonderful event.  There were about 25 stations for the kiddos to travel through with their little bag and passports.  The stations consisted of snacks, making snow, science experiments, crafts, choir performances, reading activities, making ornaments, reindeer sticks, sorting Christmas trinkets, computer stations, Santa Claus, a cake walk, reindeer food and so much more. 
Yesterday was a crazy busy day for us, but I am so glad we took the time out to attend this event as a family.  Emma Caroline had to swim for an hour before this, so she had to go with wet hair but she did not seem to mind.
Both of these kids really wanted to win the cake walk and it was fun watching them try. I was a little worried when I was watching Gavin because I realized he thought he was winning a dozen cookies. It was not good news when their number did not get called TWICE. Poor baby, when it was over he took off running towards the stage screaming, "my cookies, my cookies!"

Emma and Megan making snow by putting ten drops of water in a bag and shaking it up.  Then they had stations filled with snow for the kids to feel along with an exhibit demonstrating why polar bears do not freeze in the water.  They had also made and frozen snowmen and decorated them.

Emma loves Mrs. Hale and she is pretty smitten about Emma too.  We could have NEVER picked a better Kindergarten teacher, she is amazing.
These little trees were down the hallway and they were labeled K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th grade.  The kids were in a competition to see what grade level tree ended up with the most ornaments.
Upon exiting we had to put Emma's golden ticket into the big stocking that said WE BELIEVE.
When we were leaving we ran into one of Emma's favorite friends at school, Ellie.  When they saw each other they took of running and hugged each other so tight.  Emma constantly talks about Ellie and how they are alike because they like to hug everyday, so sweet.  We are hoping to get these girls together for a play date over the break.

I was reminded as I was leaving and saw this HUGE tree in the foyer that Emma is in an amazing school.   These people care so much about kids, doing whats right for kids, engaging them but LOVING them at the same time.  This tree had an ornament on it that represented every student and had their school picture on it too.  It is no wonder my sweet girl comes home happy and excited everyday from school and misses it when she is not there, this is a HAPPY place.

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