Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Eve 2012

Happy New Year's Eve from the Frazier Four
Our yearly tradition continues of spending the evening at home as a family of FOUR filled with sparklers, junk food, movies, laughing, singing, dancing, white chocolate smores and secret handshakes (Daddy is undecorating the tree too). Notice my sweet boy is holding his sparkler upside down.
We almost forgot the sparklers until Emma asked when we were doing them.  We told her we did not get any this year because the weather was yucky and she was crushed.  She started crying, "Are ya'll kidding with me?  We do sparklers every single year, please tell me you are kidding. We love sparklers so much,"  It was funny, but her little heart was crushed that we even entertained the idea of breaking tradition.  Ooops, Momma went and got the sparklers and perhaps we need to stop kidding so much (these poor kiddos don't know when we are serious).

Sparklers equal happy kiddos and it was fun to watch them swing them around this year.  They were much braver than the years past.  I think in their little minds they think a firework show like the one at Disney is going to shoot out the end of that stick. 

So many great things happened for us in 2012 and God continues to OVER-BLESS us daily.  These kids have filled our home with so much love, laughter and hope.
Emma turned FIVE at Disney this year with the most magical celebration imaginable, graduated from Pre K, joined the swim team, lost her first two teeth, started Kindergarten, had her 2nd ear surgery, started swimming competitively, got her ears pierced, continued to dance, became a reader and moved upstairs at church. 
Gavin turned THREE walking the plank at the biggest Pirate par-tay in town, started sleeping in a toddler bed, said goodbye to diapers and hello to boxer briefs, started a new MDO program, took gymnastics, got his teeth cleaned for the first time, played Soccer, took survival swim classes, learned to ride a tricycle/scooter and caught his first fish.
We are praying that 2013 is a great year for our family, friends and our nation. We pray that God continues to bless our home, our family, our careers, our finances, our spiritual life, our health, our children's education, our church and so much more (this is our prayer for you and your family too!)  
Looking forward to making more memories in 2013 as
The Frazier Four

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