Wednesday, December 26, 2012

TWAS the NIGHT before Christmas

The Night Before Christmas at our house is filled with many traditions that I hope carry on when my children are grown.  Can you tell that these two are beyond excited?
They are bathed, matching Christmas PJ's are on, list have been made and they are ready to get this party started. First up on our list is making sure the Reindeer have enough food to eat when they land after that long flight. 
We leave our Christmas lights on all night, so Santa is certain to find his way to our house.  Gavin enjoyed sprinkling his reindeer food for Santa's overworked herd.
Emma was very meticulous about sprinkling hers down the sidewalk and a little beyond.  She wanted it to be evenly distributed so each reindeer got their fair share.
Every year we have hot chocolate to warm up after the reindeer food is sprinkled.   This was Daddy's 6th year to pick a different illustration of The Night Before Christmas and we all sit in front of the tree and fireplace while he reads it to us.  These books are dated and put away, so that we can give them back to Emma and Gavin for their children one day.  Curtis came up with this idea after Emma was born and each year he goes on a special hunt to find the perfect one to add to our collection.
After our special story time we get the table set for Santa and leave some carrots for his reindeer too.   This year we left chocolate chip cookies and milk for the Jolly Ole' Fella.  The kids put their letters to Santa out, Emma poured the milk, Gavin sat the cookies on the platter and they both arranged the carrots.
As you can see they are pretty appreciative of Santa Claus and they want him to be taken care of when he stops to visit the Frazier Four.  So thankful for the many traditions that we continue to celebrate year after year and I hope Emma and Gavin will always cherish them as they grow older.

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