Sunday, March 10, 2013

Batman Returns

Gavin Thomas had a great day and was all jacked up on S.U.G.A.R, afterall every little boy should eat what he wants on his FOURTH birthday, right?
Gavin chose the Batman theme and what he wanted at his party, these batman blowers were a must on one of our many visits to the party store.

Whoever knew that batman had a big sister?  This girl was so excited that it was her little brother's birthday and stayed in Batman mode all weekend long.  So thankful these two have each other and are so madly in love.

I do not think he stopped smiling all day long, he loved this bounce house and having his family and friends here with him.

This picture is one of my favorites from his birthday celebration.  That face, those hands and the excitement in that little four year old body makes me so happy.  He loved this dragon from Aunt Stacey, Hunter and Camryn.

I love that all our party guest get involved in "present time".  Never can have too many helpers when your opening those gifts.  Little man got lots of Batman stuff, Octonauts, a bike, books, games and gift cards.

This balloon was amazing and so worth the money, it lasted forever too.  Everyone needs a life size Batman to celebrate their FOURTH Birthday week, don't you think? 

A party with the Frazier Four ALWAYS includes a pinata and it gets wild/dangerous around here when it is time to start swinging the bat.  Look at that little face, I could kiss it all day long and then some. 
Oh sweet boy, I am so glad I am your Mommy and I am so thankful I got to plan this party for you. You are such a special child and God has great things in store for your little life. Your day was filled with all the things YOU wanted and I enjoyed watching you turn FOUR!

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