Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Praise God ~ We are Off!

Spring Break 2013 is going to happen for The Frazier Four after all.  A horrible virus hit Casa de Frazier early Saturday morning and all of us got it.  When I say it was ugly, I mean ugly.  As of last night at 10:00 PM, we are all fever free.   Yesterday around noon I started calling to see what was refundable and lets just say we would have lost a ton of money had we not been able to go (never been a fan of trip insurance, but this has taught us a lesson).
These kiddos are excited and so are we.  Even in the midst of all the sickness, they both just kept asking if we would still be able to go on vacation.   We are still a little weak, but hopeful when we get some food in our system we will feel much better.  Thank God that Emma and Gavin are such troopers and wonderful little travelers.
We are excited to set out on a new adventure and experience things we have never experienced before as a family.  We will be back in 7 days, yep we are missing two days of school and I feel a little guilty.  Praying we have a safe trip, make memories that last a lifetime, Emma's asthma will be under control and that we all come back healthy/injury free.

1 comment:

  1. YEAH!! Glad you got to go!!!! BOO for being sick!!!! Have fun!
