Monday, March 4, 2013

Celebrating Gavin

Yesterday was a very busy, yet special day for us.  Gavin officially turned FOUR years old and we wanted to do something special for him, that he would really enjoy.
We started our morning at church and it was wonderful because the service was dedicated to the children at church.  Curtis and I taught our 4 year old kiddos and took them to the chapel for part of the service, they loved it.  After church we headed home to load up the car, change clothes and get ready to celebrate the birthday boy.  We decided to wear the same clothes we wore for his party the day before, so we could be in true BATMAN spirit and hopefully get a few pictures.

We opted to stay in our neighborhood and enjoy the beautiful weather and the lake.  Gavin always loves to hang out at the lake, so Daddy dropped me and Emma off with all the stuff while they ran to Subway to grab our "picnic" lunch.
My lil' party planner in training was happy to assist me in picking out the perfect spot, setting up the blanket, cupcakes and gifts for her lil' brother.
Gavin was so excited when he got back with Daddy and saw that we would be enjoying the outdoors for the day.
Our picky little eater opted for a 6 inch piece of white bread, Doritos and a cupcake for his birthday lunch.  Yep, his Daddy paid $3.00 for an empty loaf of bread at Subway (afterall it was his birthday).
These two love every single thing about each other.  She was so excited that it was his birthday and was so happy to watch him get so many new toys.

I love the age FOUR and all the fun it brings with it.  FOUR was a great age for Emma and I look forward to watching Gavin as a FOUR year old.  When I look at this picture and his little face, I still see a baby face.  There is something that changes in the FOURTH year of life when they lose that baby face and start looking much older (not looking forward to him looking like a big boy).
Today was a big day for me too, I am now the Mommy of a FOUR and FIVE year old for the next FOUR months.  It is so hard to get a picture of these two when they are both looking these days, so I was thrilled with this one.
Look at his little face, look at that smile, love him so much!  We were singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY to him for about the 10th time of the day.  

Saturday we gave Gavin a new bike, but saved the rest of his presents for his real birthday.  He loved all of his stuff and studied every gift he opened so intently.  This kid is so much fun to surprise with gifts because he makes you feel like every single one is his favorite, it is awesome.

This little boy has no idea how blessed he is to have Curtis as his Daddy.  Not just saying this because he is my husband, but anyone who knows him will tell you that he is some kind of wonderful.  Gavin is completely smitten over him, 100% a Daddy's boy.

The ducks were so respectful of our picnic today, but came around as soon as we pulled out the loaf of bread we brought to feed them.
We had a very special day, celebrating a very special little boy at the lake today.  It was so much fun to enjoy lunch outdoors, play at the park, feed the ducks, go on a nature walk and watch Gavin open his gifts - just the Frazier Four. 
Happy 4th Birthday Gavin Thomas!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday Gavin! Hudson had a blast at the party, sad we missed!
