Sunday, March 3, 2013

Happy 4th Birthday Gavin

Four years ago today, you blessed us in a HUGE way little man and no doubt in my mind you will make a difference in this world. 
Yesterday we celebrated your FOURTH birthday with a Batman party and you had a blast.  You ate, you ran, you screamed, you jumped, you played, you blew your candles out twice, you used a ton of sprinkles on your ice cream, you ripped open gifts, you shouted thank you ladies and gentleman for coming to my party, you hugged us, you were excited, you hit the pinata hard, you played pretend, you pulled down your pants and tee tee'd in the yard,  you ate candy, you stuck your finger in your cake and you turned FOUR!
Gavin, your love for life has taught me how to be a better Mom, friend, educator and look at life totally differently.  You have taught me that sometimes matching is not important, it is okay to get dirty, hair doesn't have to be brushed everyday, things are meant to be eaten that fall on the floor, soapy bath water is safe to drink and to just simply enjoy life.  You have more energy than anyone I have ever met in my entire life and I love that about you.  You play hard, you dream big, you fight for what you want and no doubt God is preparing us and you for amazing things in life.
I am so thankful that you have filled our home with train tracks, pirate toys, firetrucks, die cast cars, toy story figurines, wooden blocks, superheros, dinosaurs, octonauts, airplanes, police cars, dump trucks and so much more.   You, little man have made our family complete and we are so blessed to be The Frazier Four.
We love every single thing about you, appreciate your randomness, admire your demanding personality, think you are hysterical and would not CHANGE a single thing about your little life.  You are the friendliest little boy we know, never meet a stranger and shake hands with everyone you meet along the way. You're an awesome little brother and your sister is your best friend.  You two love hard and fight hard too, never wanting to be separated from the other.  We are so PROUD to be your family Gavin and look forward to being on this journey with you as you celebrate each one of  your birthdays.
We loved you before we met you, we loved you yesterday, we love you today and we will ALWAYS love you unconditionally son.  Thank you for being you and for being a part of this family.  We are honored and blessed to be your parents and sister.  Our love for you is beyond explanation.
Happy 4th Birthday
 Gavin Thomas Frazier 
"You don't raise heroes, you raise sons. And if you treat them like sons they'll turn out to be heroes, even if its just in your eyes." Walter m. Schirra, Sr.

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